Ok, I've had some complains about the HBBS Prompts looking to bland and I was wondering what you users prefer. Here's what it is now... [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges :  Here's a few examples: 1 [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges >  2 [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges :  3 [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges ?  4  [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges >:  5 Fruit: [B]ananas [A]pples [O]ranges >   Or do you like the *really* shit /X way of doing it...?  Fruit: B,n,a,? >: The red square denotes the cursor.. So, it's up to you users, just press R to reply now and tell me which one you like best or give me your own suggestions (upload as ANSI file or describe it in your reply..)